Thursday, March 01, 2007

[OT] [Rant] That's it, that's the last straw

That's it - we can't pretend any more, it's finally undeniable - Hollywood has officially run out of ideas completely.

Honestly, in the last couple of years we've had execrable remakes of classic Asian films like The Ring, Ju-on (aka The Grudge) and The Eye, and now they're even plundering Battle Royale. I'm not even going to mention the appalling crime against humanity that was the remake of The Wicker Man.

I give up. I really do. Satire has become the new truth. You can't even satirize anymore, there's no point - reality has become the ultimate ironic piss-take of itself. Just take a look at this article from The Onion - U.S. Dept. Of Retro Warns: 'We May Be Running Out Of Past' dated 1997, and try to tell me it hasn't actually come to pass.

The saddest thing is that most westeners will only see the remakes, and so they'll associate the titles of these fantastic movies with the watered-down, over-produced, bastardised Hollywood interpretations that are (as far as I can see) mediocre at best, rather than the classic originals.

Honestly, can anyone give me one original idea that Hollywood has produced in the last couple of years? And yet, it's undoubtedly piracy that's causing declining revenues, oh yes - not the fact that virtually everything they put out these days is utter shite, oh no. It's them evil pirates, yes sir...

*sigh* I need coffee.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, just picked that up on RSS. We've been having a huge email conversation at work over it.. cannot believe this, nothing is sacred.

Also, The Departed was good, but not a patch on Infernal Affairs!

Alistair Davidson said...

Ah yes, forgot about that one - we could go on for a LOOOOONG time listing crap Hollywood remakes

Anonymous said...

I hear yeah man. I just found out that they are doing a remake of One Missed Call. If anyone who reads this comment hasn't seen this movie, go rent it now. Probably one of the best asian horror movies around.

Anonymous said...

The Wicker Man was so bad, it was nominated for 5 Razzies.

If that's not a condemnation of it, I don't know what is.

Alistair Davidson said...

- whereas the classic original had Christopher Lee in a dress, and Britt Eklund out of one. Somehow Nicholas Cage in a bear suit just doesn't compare...

Unknown said...

well if it isn't a remake it usually some prequel/Sequel/Comic book adaption. But I must confess I am looking forward to the Transformers! :)


Alistair Davidson said...

Hi Kola - I think reality beat them to it
a long time ago.....