sudo port install rabbitmq-server
After a bit of fiddling about, I got this error (using exactly the same code that worked a few weeks ago):
vendor/gems/tmm1-amqp-0.6.4/lib/mq.rb:225:in `process_frame': PRECONDITION_FAILED - cannot redeclare exchange 'jobs' in vhost '' with different type, durable or autodelete value in AMQP::Protocol::Exchange::Declare on 1 (MQ::Error)
....several hours of frustrating googling later.....
It turns out that I'd innocently upgraded my version of RabbitMQ 1.8, whereas previously I'd had v1.7.2. This is significant because RMQ 1.8 uses AMQP 0.9, whereas v1.7.2 uses AMQP 0.8 - and this matters because I'm using the tmm1-amqp gem to connect to it, and tmm1-amqp v0.6.4 only supports AMQP 0.8...
(HINT - check the files under the protocol directory to see what version your gem supports)
So - time to downgrade RabbitMQ to 1.7.2 then. Should be straightforward, no? Well, no.
It also turns out that the version of Erlang in MacPorts is now R14A - and guess what? RabbitMQ 1.7.2 doesn't build in Erlang R14A
So I had to create a local MacPorts repo (using the very helpful instructions HERE) from the previous checkin of the Erlang R13B4 portfile and point ports at that.
Then, with a
sudo port uninstall rabbitmq-server; sudo port install rabbitmq-server @1.7.2
, followed by a blat of the mnesia database files:sudo rm -rf /opt/local/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit
- and it all works again. YAY!
(PS - I had to port uninstall and re-install rabbitmq-server twice for it to work properly. So that's always worth a try too - I swear MacOS gets more and more like Windows every day.....:)